Łukasz Król | Advanced Forensics | Online Course | 2021

Łukasz Król

Training: “An introductions to advanced forensics and personal digital security”

Łukasz Król is a researcher, lecturer and workshop facilitator. He currently focuses on issues such as digital security, algorithmic bias and inequality, as well as the wider relationship between humans and technology. 

Starting his career with a summer gig at Google, Łukasz moved on to the European Parliament, where he authored a report on digital foreign policy. He also worked for CEC Government Relations in Warsaw, working with clients across a wide variety of sectors, including digital affairs. Four years ago, Łukasz joined the College of Europe in Natolin, where designed the programme – and later served as head facilitator – for the Natolin-based Warsaw Euro-Atlantic Summer Academy (WEASA). 

Łukasz has conducted digital security trainings in several countries, working primarily with media professionals and NGO representatives. He has worked with organisations such as local branches of the Digital Communications Network, Zasto Ne in Sarajevo and the European Institutions. He was trained by several groups, including TechSoup and Internews. Łukasz is much involved in digital security pedagogies and teaching methodologies, researching the ways in which NGOs manage and negotiate ideas of fear, playfulness, and authority when devising their security strategies. 

A graduate of the Universities of  St Andrews and Cambridge, Łukasz studied international relations and political science, writing his postgraduate thesis on the internet’s impact on political change. 

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