Integrated Border Management, Migration Policies And Cross-border Cooperation | ETGN College Of Europe Natolin

Integrated border management, migration policies and cross-border cooperation


This course encompasses an array of issues related to the EU’s Neighbourhood.

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Integrated border management, migration policies and cross-border cooperation

This course encompasses an array of issues related to the EU’s Neighbourhood. It will cover cross-border cooperation tools within the EU and between the EU and ENP countries. It will similarly look at the EU’s migration policy, explaining the legal basis for the EU Member States’ and Agencies’ migration and border management strategies. The course will highlight the role of fundamental rights protection in Europe and beyond, including the geopolitical context and cultural differences.

Upcoming course dates will be available soon. Please check back for updates.

Location: Online formula (a self-study component followed by online live sessions)

Language: English

Number of hours for the ETGN Certificate: 26 hours (including optional activities)

Training delivered by: Artur Gruszczak 

The course entitled “Integrated border management, migration policies and cross-border cooperation” expounds the EU’s migration policy, explains the legal bases for the EU institutions and agencies relevant in migration and border management fields, as well as Member States’ strategies and policies of migration and border security. It also presents a valuable insight into the role of humanitarian regimes in Europe and worldwide in protecting refugees and helping forcibly displaced persons, including matters of integration and securitization. The course explores the following main topics:

  • Borders and their historical, political, geographical and sociological dimensions.
  • Migration: key concepts, reasons and humanitarian aspects.
  • The EU: policy on migration, citizenship, and the Schengen area and cooperation.
  • Border management agencies: Frontex, PCCCs, cross-border operations.
  • Asylum: the EUAA, the Geneva convention and its consequences.

After completing this course, you will:

  • gain advanced knowledge regarding actors, institutions, structures and normative systems shaping the EU’s integrated border management, migration policies and cross-border cooperation;
  • understand better complex mobility issues emerging and existing at sub-state, state, regional and global levels;
  • have a practical ability to diagnose and predict events and processes taking place in the EU’s migration and border policies;
  • gain problem-solving skills concerning migration, mobility and borders in the EU;
  • obtain competences to take part in projects concerning the norms, mechanisms, and practical solutions applied to the management of the EU’s border and migration policies.
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